Tuesday, May 26, 2009

8th place from 79 entries!

for angelc
for angelc by yumayummymommy2 featuring Alberta Ferretti
6th place from 679 entries! not bad at all!

You're invited to my garden party!
You're invited to my garden party! by yumayummymommy2 featuring Juicy Couture bags
1st place from 144 entries! yayyyyyy!

Cant Get Enough of Her!

Thinking of You...
Thinking of You... by yumayummymommy2 featuring Miu Miu bags

I know this video might be out of date, but i really cant get enough to watch it..and her looks of course! It's really amazing to watch her in the 40's atmospher..with those red lips, pencil skirts, those overwhelm eyelashes, fab hairdo..makes me want to live in the 40's..hahaha! And the most of all..that Giambattista Valli's Shoes are to die for! XOXO

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Winning Sets of The Day

5 items 3
5 items 3 by yumayummymommy2 featuring Michael Kors
5th place from 114 entries..lumayannn!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Inspired by Princess and The Pea

Terinspirasi dari buku dongengnya mbak Sekar..hahaha! dan iya iyaaaa foto sebelah kanan bawah itu by Tim Walker! hihihi..XOXO

What Kind of Dining Room Am I in To?

I definitely in to this skandinavian dining room! a little bit gleam, but loooove it!

Modern chic..feels cozy..tp kok rasanya ada yg kurang ya? rada kaku mungkin..atau karena temboknya warna dusty blue?

Very chic! sedikit feminin..tp cantik bgt! love the dusty colors..

Rustic wooden dining table combine with metal chairs..terlalu berat kayaknya..but love the rustic feel!

Bring the garden inside! serasa lg makan di beranda..chandeliernya bikin tambah ok..not too shabby chic..love it!

*images from LivingEtc and Dominomag

In Love with Tim Walker!

Ya olohhhh..speechless dhe gw! absurd! XOXO


fierce is in my blood. For yumayummymommy2
fierce is in my blood. For yumayummymommy2 by Nashadinda (FIRST CONTEST) featuring Roxy accessories
Aihhhh..set ini mencerminkan gw banget..suka pakai black on black dan smoker! hahaha..well i'm not proud to be smoker and i try hard to quit!
Set ini bikinan Nasha, awalnya sih bukan utk gw..tp berhubung gw ngarep akhirnya sm Nasha digift ke gw..hahaha..trims ya non! She's very talented girl, setnya kueren kuerennn bgt lho! XOXO

My Winning Sets of The Day

RuffleSkirt! by yumayummymommy2 featuring mulberry bags
10th place from 185 entries..hihihi..ya lumayan dhe! XOXO

Louboutin + YSL 2
Louboutin + YSL 2 by yumayummymommy2 featuring Christian Louboutin shoes
5th place from 532 entries...whoaaaa!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Winning Sets of The Day

1st place from 79 entries..i think i will get trophy this time..yayyy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chic Siblings!

o myyyy! they're sooo chic and adorable! XOXO

My 19th May Winning Sets

HotShort! by yumayummymommy2 featuring Marc Jacobs bags
4th place from 38 entries! XOXO

Men's Wear
Men's Wear by yumayummymommy2 featuring American Eagle Outfitters belts
7th place from 38 entries..hihihi..tumben2an bikin set utk cowo! XOXO

Rainy Day!

Hari ini hujan lumayan deres..seperti biasa mbak sekar ketakutan kalo hujan karena gluduk dan petir..gw pikir daripada mbak sekar takut mulu kalau ada hujan, gw kasih terapi main hujan2an..asikkk! hahahaha..akhirnya bundar, mbak sekar dan adek banu maen hujan2an di teras depan..pertamanya mbak sekar takut2 tp campur excited lama2 kesenengan dhe maen masak2an di bawah hujan deras..hihihi! adek banu sih seperti biasa, langsung hajar bleh! bundabun jg udah lama ga maen hujan2an jd excited jg..hahaha! habis maen hujan2an smuanya bundar blonyohin minyak telon + transpulmin, terus abis makan siang bundar cekokin tolak angin smua..hahaha! Happy Rainy Day! XOXO

I Made It!

Gw heran banget dhe, aksesoris anak2 yg dijual sekarang kok pada aneh2 yaa..pake mote2, lace, mutiara, banyak blink2 nya..hadohhh gw aja ga pernah pake yg kayak gitu! Karena gw suka susah cari aksesoris rambut buat mbak sekar, gw coba bikin..gw beli dhe pita, kancing dan teman2nya di mayestik..trs gw coba bikin sendiri, walaupun blm sukses tp ya lumayan bisa bikin mbak sekar senang dan bangga pakai bando bikinan bundarnya..hahaha! XOXO

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Winning Sets of The Day

2nd place from 408 entries..ahhhh tersanjung dhe! XOXO

6th place from 354 entries..lumayan..XOXO
11th place from 110 entries! XOXO
8th place from 72 entries..ya lumayan lahh yaa! XOXO
1st place from 162 entries..awwwww! XOXO

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's Our Tea House Yayiii..

Yayyy! our dream tea house yayiiii..someday babe..someday..hihihihi

Pecah belahnya harus ada warna dusty pinknya dong ya yiii..;)

Our tea house should have these treats..cupcakes, strawberry shortcake, choco cake, lots of cookies with rainbow colors icing..yummm!

Maybe our tea house should have this porch look for the guest who want a private tea time..

And the interior must be with touch of french country style..with homey and cozy feelings!

Banu's 1st Hair Cut!

Ini waktu banu pertama kali potong rambut..yang nganterin orang serumah..tp sukses dan diluar dugaan, banu ga begitu nyusahin..ya iyalahhh banu potong rambut sambil liat Thomas and His Friends *in the island of sodorrr*..LOL! rambutnya dipotong model mohawk, rada gagal krn rambut banu ga bisa tahan lama berdiri..hahaha! banu smarty dhe! XOXO


o My..how can i resist these bedrooms..that's what i call comfort nest! LOL..bakalan tambah susah bangun kalo gw punya kamar kayak gini, naluri nesting gw akan tambah terasah..hahaha! tp masalahnya suami gw bakal pusing kl kamarnya dibikin kayak gini ---> "feminin bgt sihhh.." lah, waktu milih cat kamar aja ribetttt bgt..sampai ganti cat 2 kali..yg pertama katanya kayak ruang kelas anak tk, akhirnya dipilh twilight blue (ahhhh..dr namanya gw bayangin tidur sama Edward Cullen..huahahaha!)..yg kedua sebenernya jg ga terlalu ok..tp yo wis lah males jg kalo sampai ganti cat lg! XOXO

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Winning Sets of The Day

6th place from 234 entries! XOXO
5th from 293 entries..swiwiwwitttt!
2nd place from 370 entries..whoaaaa not bad at all! XOXO

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pojok Dapur!

Ahhhh..gw suka bgt sm warna pecah belah gw yg ga seberapa banyak itu..hahaha! warnanya pop up kalo ditaruh di atas ambalan putih di dapur..mungkin buat nyokap gw "opo tho kok warna warni belang blonteng gini!" hahaha..gpp kan rada2 shabby chic..pengen cari cangkir teh bunga2 cantik ahhh! XOXO

Gifts for Dearest Polyfriends!

for * Cris *
for * Cris * by yumayummymommy2 featuring Juicy Couture Accessories
Sets ini gw bikin utk teman2 polyvore yg paling sering ngasih supports dan faves..:) masih banyak lg sih, kl mau liat klik yumayummymommy2 yg ada di bawah setiap set..XOXO

Royal Couture!

Justify FullRenaissance couture is divine! These photos are featured in March 2005 issue of Vogue Italy..lovely pictures of Steven Meisel's photographic artistry..breathtaking! XOXO